Are you taking a video 

Made for the Home Movie theme submission for Fanvid, Dublin. Exhibited in Unit 44 on December 17, 2024

Home movies reveal how we interact with being documented. The spectacle in home movies are rarely worth documenting and it is more in the documentation itself that we mark the moment we’re recording. There is a common understanding that no one except those featured in these films are interested in seeing or rewatching.
The creation and exhibition of home movies have changed significantly since video technology has become ubiquitous with smartphones. Between the years 2010 and 2020, in which these videos were captured, the discomfort and paranoia of being surveyed has become more pertinent, but in that way, expected.
This piece deconstructs the notion of self documentation and disparity between comfort under being photographed and being captured on video. It explores the contrast in behaviour in ignorance and then realisation of being watched. Ultimately, the videos of myself are under my control, in comparison to the videos which are at first filmed without the knowledge of the subject.